@itsqwerxxxson-line now

Apple - Jay He/She
19(03) white
genderfluid aspec lesbian
audhd, bpd, how would i say im delulu
libra/scorpio cusp

ㅤBYIㅤ • 06/06/23 ♡
♡ I talk heavily about my interests and hypfxs, I'm mainly monoship (alomask), i swear a lot, i may talk romantically about mask

ㅤDNIㅤ • 06/06/23 ♡
♡ Weirdos, hate alomask, gorai shippers (current moots fine)

Current Status: OnlineㅤㅤListening to Mood Romantica by Lamp on Spotify
apple is in your extended network! (see connections)

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anyone can req, i don't tag comforts, i make kys/kms jokes towards close moots, i make fun of mcyt a lot, i don't tag a lot so if you need smth tagged lmk

Don't Follow If

basic dni criteria, stan and defend bigoted white cishet men, are rude, you're gonna bash my comforts, make uncomfortable comments about me, not respect my prns